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Kohle Capital Markets Wins “Best ECN Broker Asia 2022”

August 8, 2022

Kohle Capital Markets just won the “Best ECN Broker Asia 2022” award from the World Business Outlook magazine, which ranks the best companies worldwide. The 2022 awards included winners from all parts of the world, including Europe, North and South America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

World Business Outlook is a global media company that provides its readers, viewers and event attendees with comprehensive business updates via exclusive access to news, business journals, in-depth and well-researched stories, and press releases. 

The award underscores Kohle Capital’s growing popularity among traders in Asia who use its ECN services. Our ECN services, combined with low latency servers, ensure our clients' orders are filled as fast as possible. 

Our management team recognises that without the dedication of our staff, we would not be where we are today. Therefore, we would like to acknowledge our loyal employees for coming to work with a can-do attitude and a drive to be the best they can be in their different roles. 

Kohle Capital Markets‘ CEO, Ryan Tsui, sat down with the World Business Outlook editors and answered a few questions regarding the company’s future direction. Read on to see where Kohle Capital Markets is headed and the innovative services our clients can expect.

Kohle Capital Markets Q&A

1. As a leading ECN broker, what are the current opportunities in the Forex, Currency and Equity Markets, according to you?

There are multiple opportunities in the Forex markets for traders and brokers. But, we see that the biggest edge for ECN brokers is to offer customised services to our different client groups. For example, clients with smaller accounts are interested in saving money and may find our low spreads attractive. Kohle Capital Markets offer spreads as low as 0.1 pips. 

We also support hedging strategies and FIX API connections for our sophisticated clients who want to execute more complex trading strategies. However, all our clients get access to the same servers, with all trades benefiting from our low latency. As a broker, we see an opportunity to provide differentiated products to all our clients to meet their unique needs. 

Kohle Capital Markets offers various products, including FX pairs, Commodities, shares and indices CFDs. Therefore, our customers can take advantage of these markets' opportunities. For example, experienced traders could switch between markets to capitalise on periods with significant volatility in one market compared to another. 

2. What is the next big disruption in the Fintech industry? How is Kohle Capital Markets going to leverage it?

Predicting the future is a fool's game; hence, we do not focus on that. However, as a management team, we are constantly asking ourselves how best to serve our clients and what we can do to provide them with a better experience. Our most significant breakthroughs have come from listening to our clients and providing them with services that address their needs. I believe that if we continue on this path, we will always emerge at the top and keep innovating to stay ahead of our competitors. 

Furthermore, the fintech world is constantly evolving, with new payment methods emerging daily and new assets. However, racing to implement every new technology launched is not a smart strategy. Therefore, we are constantly assessing the innovations created by third parties to see if they are a good fit. However, when it comes to our core brokerage services, we understand our market pretty well. Hence, the innovative products and services we launch result from our internal brainstorming. 

3. Describe the measures taken by KCM to promote investments among the working class.

KCM’s business caters to the working class and lower-income people by offering low minimum deposit amounts. We know that such clients need to access the funds in their trading accounts quickly; hence, we have a straightforward withdrawal system. The fast withdrawals and low deposits allow traders with low incomes to participate in the markets while retaining access to their trading funds in case a need arises. 

4. What is a Green development environment, and how is KCM promoting it?

A green development environment is critical to ensure that we protect the earth even as we go about our daily activities. Kohle Capital Markets takes its role in protecting the environment quite seriously, and we have implemented measures to ensure that our environmental impact is minimal. For example, we recycle a lot of the waste generated at our offices and have minimized the need to print emails, reducing our environmental impact. 

We also monitor our electricity usage to ensure there is no wastage by encouraging our staff to switch off unnecessary lights and devices. We are always looking for more ways to improve our operations to lower our environmental impact.

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