Company News

KCM Trade Supports Oxfam Trailwalker Adventure for a Better Tomorrow

March 13, 2024

KCM Trade recently lent its support to the renowned Oxfam Trailwalker adventure, held on the 2nd of March, 2024, in Melbourne, Australia. The contribution made by KCM Trade was directed towards backing the "Powerpuff Girls +Guys" team in their first Oxfam Trailwalker endeavour.

The Oxfam Trailwalker event is a beacon of hope and solidarity, inviting teams to traverse through the Australian bush on a journey spanning 100km, 55km, or 30kmwithin 40 hours. It embodies the spirit of collective effort and shared commitment toward building a just, sustainable future without poverty.

KCM Trade's dedication to making a meaningful impact beyond business was evident ini ts backing of the "Powerpuff Girls + Guys" team for the Oxfam Trailwalker. Through this support, KCM Trade contributed to a global effort aimed at tackling inequality, empowering marginalized communities, and addressing the challenges of climate change.

The contribution from KCM Trade underscores its belief in the power of collective action and the potential for transformative change. Remaining steadfast in its commitment to social responsibility, KCM Trade actively supports initiatives like the Oxfam Trailwalker, demonstrating its belief in the principle that businesses have a vital role to play in driving positive change and creating better future for all.

KCM Trade's backing of the Oxfam Trailwalker demonstrates its dedication to embodying corporate citizenship and fostering a culture of giving back. As KCM Trade moves forward, it stands ready to embrace new opportunities to make a lasting impact and inspire others to join in the journey towards a more equitable and sustainable world.

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